5 Steps for Success

When your day can be described with the words busy, hectic or exhausting, it can be hard to add one more thing into an already packed day.
If fitting in fitness is challenging for you, you are not alone. The good news is that we know there are 5 important steps you can take to ensure your desire to exercise and live a healthy lifestyle becomes a consistent habit.

5 Steps to Success

  1. Feel that it’s important. You must believe that being active is a valuable way to spend your time. We know the many benefits exercise has on our physical, mental & emotional health, so why do YOU want to be healthy? Is it to set a good example for your family, to get off of medications, or to have more energy to do the things you love? Remind yourself daily of your reasons.
  2. Make yourself and your health a priority. Even if you feel that fitting in fitness is important, until you put yourself on your to-do list it may be difficult to logistically find the time for it.
  3. Know what to do. You’ve got the first two steps down, so now it’s time to take inventory of your exercise options. Indoor Cycling On Demand is here to help! You get the benefit of a cycling class on your schedule AND keep the instructor guidance.
  4. Practice new habits. Remember that lasting changes don’t come overnight, so start with small behavior changes and gradually build on them over time.
  5. Identify strategies to overcome barriers and setbacks. There is no way to avoid barriers forever – life happens. Having a plan B and a plan to get back into your healthy habits before a setback arises will make overcoming obstacles much easier. Example: You know the upcoming week is going to be a busy and overlap into your normal lunch hour workouts. Pinpoint a few mornings that you can wake up earlier – an ICOD HIIT20 workout is short but will kick your butt!

For nutrition strategies, check out 3 Nutrition Tips for Better Health and Exercise.

Happy Cycling!